Khloe Kardashian, James Harden Cheating Rumors: Koko Won't Destroy Sex Tapes Of Lamar Odom [VIDEO]

As if James Harden needed another warning sign about Khloe Kardashian.

The reality television star revealed that she and husband Lamar Odom made at least one sex tape on Bravo's "Watch What Happens Live," according to the New York Post's Page Six.

Taking Care Of Lamar Doesn't Make Khloe A Hero

While that piece of news may not be surprising or disturbing at all, what should concern her current boyfriend, who is trying to lead the Rockets through the 2015-16 season, is that Kardashian has not destroyed however many "films" she made with Odom, which could be considered cheating on Harden.

"I've definitely recorded myself having sex with my ex-husband," Kardashian decided to tell the show's host, Andy Cohen. "But not like, talking to camera. You remember those little cameras, little video cameras, that was my jam for a moment."

Khloe Kardashian Revelation Should Make James Harden Beware

"I hope you still have those," Cohen responded.

"I do in my safe," Kardashian confirmed.

But instead of encouraging Kardashian, a better response from the host could have been why Kardashian would keep those recordings? And does she still view them?

It seems strange that Kardashian would reveal having a sex tape, which would invite anyone with any connections to the Kardashians motive to try to get possession of those recordings. Also, once Kardashian decided to divorce Odom, why on earth would she keep them?

Sure, Harden is just Kardashian's boyfriend for now, but would she destroy them if she were to marry Harden?

And if making sex tapes no longer is her "jam," as she suggested, then why not destroy them? There seems to be absolutely no good reason for Kardashian to have them, unless she still watches them.

In that case, that is sure to make Harden a proud boyfriend. Some circles would consider Kardashian as cheating on Harden if she's still watching herself having sex with Odom.

Just another reason the Rockets guard needs to run away from Khloe and the gang as fast as he can.

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