LeBron James Shaved Head [PHOTO]: Receding Hairline Gone As NBA MVP Goes Bald, Miami Police Still Investigating Escort To Jay Z, Justin Timberlake Concert [VIDEO]

LeBron James, the best basketball player in the world and owner of America's most famous hairline appears to have tired of the frequent jabs and memes about his depressingly retreating follicles.

To see LeBron's bald dome click here

The "King" had clothes in recent photos, but his hair was completely gone. This summer LeBron seems to have given up his battle against nature and shaved his head. It's unknown whether he plans to stick with that look permanently, but for now maybe one of the internet's top punching bags can be put into storage.

More seriously, however, James posted tweets and videos of himself being escorted to a recent Jay Z and Justin Timberlake concert in Miami by Miami-Dade County police officers, and is now under investigation. The video he posted showed him driving behind a cadre of flashing lights, and a police statement confirmed he was escorted onto the stadium premises. The report also stated that LeBron's escort was not arranged with any prior notice.

Click here for video of LeBron's escort.

The story is likely getting extra publicity because this is the NBA news cycle's down period. Once the preseason gets into full swing with the regular season around the corner, all the stories about James will transform into questions of whether the Heat will be able to hold off the Chicago Bulls, Indiana Pacers and Brooklyn Nets in a tough Eastern Conference.

After Miami's second straight title, their main competitors all reloaded. Chicago will regain former MVP Derrick Rose, the Pacers beefed up their bench with C.J. Watson, Luis Scola and Chris Copeland, and the Nets added Kevin Garnett and Paul Pierce to their starting five.

Still, the Heat bring back their Big 3, including James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh. They also brought in a lottery ticket in center Greg Oden, a former No. 1 overall pick who hasn't played in the NBA since multiple microfracture knee surgeries derailed his career in 2009-2010.

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