With the MacBook, Apple has updated its fantastically light notebook with longer battery life and better Core performance. In the Windows-powered Dell XPS 13, the user will get a 13-inch display in an 11-inch laptop's body and a full-powered Core I CPU and more ports.

The MacBook Air is almost laughably light, weighing just 2 pounds, the aluminum unibody design still feels remarkably sturdy. Even, Apple offers multiple color options. The XPS 13 is a "design triumph" because of its Infinity Edge Display. As mentioned in the Digital Trends, Dell XPS 13 the lightly textured fiber, the tapered design and ultra-responsive glass with integrated buttons.

XPS 13 also provides five-level LED battery indicator, a 3.5mm audio out, USB 3.0 port, mini Display Port and an input for the power adapter. MacBook pumped out loud and mostly pleasing audio, XPS 13 delivered clearer vocals and performed better on the high end.

Dell XPS 13 sports traditional touchpad and keyboard combo, Apple developed a new butterfly mechanism for its layout, which allows for a thinner design. As per Forbes, XPS 13 has a larger 13-inch display and the Quad HD+ version has a higher resolution and touch capability. MacBook has a 12-inches display and headphone jack and single USB-C port.

The MacBook comes with a 1.2-GHz Core M5 processor, 8GB of RAM and 256GB of flash storage. Dell XPS 13 packs a 6th-gen 2.3-GHz Intel Core i5-6200U processor, 8GB of RAM and 256GB storage.

The XPS 13 is set to perform better in every category. The processor is faster, the display and webcam more capable, and it remains wrinkled with a slew of ports that Apple has decided to modernize into a single connection.

It's not that the MacBook is a bad machine it also has last a long time on power, given its slim profile. Macbook's ultra-efficient structural design was designed to use less power and still deliver high performance. Dell XPS 13 wins the battle here.