Apple unveiled its new red product iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus Handsets in a Red variant. A newly designed iPhone 7 plus showing off red Apple logo graphics. It looks pretty stunning, with its red anodized aluminum back.
The iPhone 7 plus has the Red back of the matte, rather than glossy. It gives iPhone 7 a sort of satin finish which could be probably the nicest of any iPhone we have ever seen.
As reported by Apple Insider, Apple's Red is a stunning version of iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. Apple iPhone 7 plus red has been announced with a relative stealth Apple Store update. The company may not have chosen to make advertising about the update via a dedicated media event.
Apple release the special edition "Product Red" iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus to celebrate more than 10 years of partnership with the "Red" charity. A small card included with the usual instruction manual and warranty information explains the charity's ongoing fight against HIV/AIDS.
Through all the Red products purchases let customers contribute to the Global Fund to join the fight against HIV and AIDS. Apple has been responsible for donating more than $130 million and is the largest corporate donor to the Global Fund.
According to BGR, Apple iPhone 7 plus with its Red Avatar will go towards to helping find a cure for HIV and AIDS. With the good work of Apple and the charity has been doing for a good while now.
The New Apple RED iPhone 7 Plus models are available in 128GB and 256GB storage capacities. The 4.7-inch iPhone 7 version will be available at $749 for 128 gigabytes of storage, while a model with 256 gigabytes feature comes in at $849. The larger 5.5-inch iPhone 7 Plus will be available at $869 and $969 for the same storage capacities.
The new devices will go on sale soon in more than 40 countries around the world. For more updates stay tuned with us!
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