News about the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 is once again headlining the online news as of late. Recent reports are saying that the said device will sport a dual camera pushing through its original plan. Aside from the camera, latest news also revealed its tentative release date, price and new features for Samsung's flagship this year.
Samsung Galaxy Note 8 is the second generation of the Samsung Galaxy Note series which is under the category of phablets. Reports are also saying that the release of the Galaxy Note 8 will still push through even after the Galaxy Note 7 fiasco. But before the Note 8, Samsung flagship phones Samsung Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 Plus is also set to release much earlier.
But according to Phone Arena, the Samsung Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 Plus will not sport a dual camera that everybody has expected. But consumer must not worry as the South Korean tech company have not totally abandoned the idea and it might be featured on their flagship device, the Samsung Galaxy Note 8.
Samsung Galaxy Note 8's dual camera won't be like any other dual camera in the market today. It will support two different sensors, a "high-quality" and a "low power", that will surely raise the multi-camera technology of the Samsung to the next level. The dual camera will run under Samsung's newest chipset, the Exynos 8895, which guarantee a 28MP resolution for the rear and front camera.
But aside from the dual camera and new chipset, other features was also revealed for the said device. According to TechRadar, the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 will introduce a foldable screen that has 4K resolution and a pressure-sensitive display that will scrap the home button. The design will more like the Galaxy Note 7 but maybe a little slender and with less edge.
The battery will most probably like the Note 7's 3500 mAh but users must not worry as Samsung is already implementing the "8 point battery safety check" for consumers safety. Samsung Galaxy Note 8 is also said to be featuring a stylus with built-in speaker, an iris scanner just like the Note 7 and an AI assistant to be called Bixby.
But what people are also waiting is when the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 will be launch? Reports are spreading that the device would probably be released by August 2017. As for the price, the Note 8 will likely carry a price tag of around $850 or £749.
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