The Naruto Shippuden Anime series is yet to enter another arc till Thursday, and this time, the focus will be more on Shikamaru Nara and his mission two years after the Fourth Great Ninja War. 'Shikamaru Hiden: A Cloud Drifting in the Silent Darkness' is the second book in the Naruto Hiden Series, will be the main source of material.
The Expectations From Episode 489
The plot of the story is again after 2 years of the Fourth Great Shinobi War. By that time, Shikamaru has become the chief coordinator of the Shinobi Union, a peacetime organisation which succeeds the Allied Shinobi Forces.
Despite being a top man in the Shinobi Union, Shikamaru finds his life unremarkable and he thinks its going to end in the same way as well. As he watches the clouds drifting in the sky, he spots Sai's ink birds making its way to the Sixth Hokage Office.
Shikamaru rushes to the office quite eager to find out the result of Sai's mission, there he discovers from Sai's letter that was apparently written in haste as it lacks the clear and concise elements of his handwriting, his entire team has gone missing for few days.
Sai then reports that he is persuaded by Gengo's words and starts doubting the value of the Shinobi Union. These things along with the fact that Sai did not personally send the report, which is very uncharacteristic of him, alerts Kakashi and Shikamaru.
The Sixth Hokage decides to give the mission to Shikamaru to find out what actually happened to Sai and his group. The mission bothers Shikamaru in many ways, Temari apparently notices something different with him during a Shinobi Union meeting. Choji and Ino also noticed that as well, forcing them to ask Shikamaru the nature of his mission.
Shikamaru visits the grave of his father, Shikaku and teacher, Asuma Sorutobi. He then runs into Kurenai and her daughter Mirai Saratubi.
The next day, Shikamaru along with his two ANBU teammates Ro and Soku secretly leaves Konoha for the mission. The Episode 489 of Naruto Shippuden will be aired on Thursday at 6:25 a.m.US EST/ 19:25 JST on Tokyo TV.
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