Aaron Hernandez's fiancee destroyed evidence that could have directly linked him to the killing of Odin Lloyd, going as far as to demand that a cleaning crew they later hired to dust his mansion sign a nondisclosure agreement about what they may have seen and cleaned in the home, prosecutors charged during her arraignment hearing on perjury charges Tuesday.

According to Boston.com, despite being given a grant of immunity, Bristol County Assistant District Attorney Patrick Bomberg told the court Shayanna Jenkins violated that by claiming lapses of memory when actually testifying before the grand jury. Bomberg also told the court on June 18th, Jenkins went to the basement of the North Attleborough home she shared with Hernandez and, at his request, collected a box, put it in a black plastic bag covered with baby clothes, then, using her sister's car, tossed the box in a dumpster.

Prosecutors are now seeking Jenkins be held on $5,000 bond, and added that when questioned by the grand jury about her actions that day she testified she had no memory of where she went that day or where she tossed the box away.

"She told the grand jury she dumped it in a dumpster, but she couldn't tell anybody where it was,'' Bomberg told the website. Bomberg also claimed Jenkins once tried to mislead authorities into believing Lloyd was a drug dealer, which investigators later easily disproved.

Jenkins' attorney Janice Bassil has publicly charged prosecutors have abused their powers in trying to coerce her client into testifying against the former NFL star and father of her young child. "She was subjected to heavy-handed questioning," she said. "Some of the questioning could have been more skillful."

Bassil later added "Jenkins and Hernandez had a distinctive relationship, where they shared only parts of their lives with each other, not the events of every day. Their relationship, in many ways, had elements of what I refer to as 'Don't ask, don't tell. '"