The storyline between Dolph Ziggler & Lana and Rusev & Summer Rae took another dramatic turn on Monday Night RAW this week.
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The Bulgarian Brute savagely attacked The Showoff and the two ladies got into it as well. The arc concluded with Rusev revealing that his fractured foot is healed before he took out Ziggler and injured him in kayfabe.
The WWE followed up on that incident on RAW Fallout as cameras followed Lana when she joined Ziggler in the ambulance.
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In the video, it shows a referee and medical personnel wheeling Ziggler toward an ambulance on a stretcher with Lana asking if he's okay and saying she is going to ride along with him on the ambulance.
The vehicle then rides away as the camera fades.
With Rusev looking as though he is fully healed, the storyline may evolve now into a match between him and Ziggler or potentially a mixed tag team match involving the two Divas as well.
Rusev and Lana showed cracks in their foundation in storyline earlier this year, leading to them splitting for good in the spring.
The Ravishing Russian then ended up pairing up with Ziggler while Rusev eventually found his way to Summer Rae a few weeks back on Monday Night RAW.
The WWE is claiming that Ziggler sustained a throat injury, so there's no telling how long they'll keep him out to sell the ailment.
The storyline between the two couples appears to just be getting started.
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