Asian tiger mosquitoes are spreading in American cities and towns, and these bugs are even worse than the mosquitoes Americans already contend with and despise.

The first, obviously is the tiger-like stripes. The second reason stems from their ferociousness. Diana Fonseca, "Part of the reason it is called 'tiger' is also because it is very aggressive," Dina Fonseca, an associate professor of entomology at Rutgers University. "You can try and swat it all you want, but once it's on you, it doesn't let go."

These mosquitoes will bite all day, as they have a thirst for blood as vicious as any television or movie vampire. According to reports, Asian tiger mosquitoes are prolific disease and illness spreaders. They carry up to 20 maladies, including West Nile fever, dengue fever, yellow fever and two types of encephalitis.

One more disease these bugs carry is the chikungunya virus. While this virus is not fatal, it is brutal. Symptoms include aching joints, fever, severe headaches, nausea, vomiting, rashes and fatigue. There is no vaccine or cure for the chikungunya virus, and can take weeks to recover from.

The Asian tiger mosquito can be found in 26 states, mostly in the East. Their eggs are able to survive the harsh winter climate, and they have thrived thanks to global warming.

Some reports say that the rise of Asian tiger mosquitoes is also spelling the downfall of another pestilence, fellow disease carrier Aedes aegypti. On the flipside that could mean the Asian tiger mosquito is just expanding its reign.

Scientists recommend removing any standing water while wearing repellent and long sleeves.