Eastbound & Down, the popular HBO series that follows the trials and tribulations of fictional relief pitcher Kenny Powers, played by Danny McBride, will premiere its fourth and final season September 29th. It will premiere along with HBO's Atlantic City drama Boardwalk Empire the debut of Stephen Merchant's Hello Ladies.
The end of the third season was believed to mark the end of the Kenny Powers saga, but the show's immense popularity was enough to get HBO to convince producers Will Ferrell, Jody Hill, Chris Henchy and Adam McKay, as well as McBride to sign on for a fourth season.
The latest, and surely last season will run for eight episodes, and is shot in North Carolina, where Kenny is living happily with his lover April Buchanon, played by Katy Mixon, and his young child Toby.
The premiere is set for 10:00 p.m., leading into a brand new HBO series called Hello Ladies, executive produced by Stephen Merchant, who was a writer for hit television shows like The Office and Extras. Merchant stars in the show, as an Englishman searching for love in Los Angeles, and not being too choosy about it.
Preceding Eastbound & Down will be the premiere of the fourth season of Boardwalk Empire starring Steve Buscemi as Enoch "Nucky" Thompson, a liquor-peddling Atlantic City kingpin during Prohibition-era New York.
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