The one-time bully Lance Armstrong has turned into the forgetful Lance Armstrong.

Four months after the confession to Oprah Winfrey that he used performance-enhancing drugs during all seven of his Tour de France championships, Armstrong has been careful not to confess anything else to anyone.

USA Today released a series of emails between Armstrong, America's most popular and polarizing cyclist, and Betsy Andreu, wife of Frankie Andreu. Frankie was a longtime teammate of Armstrong's, and he and Betsy were among the people accusing Armstrong of lying before he came clean about his dirty record in the Tour de France.

At the time of the Andreus' accusation, Armstrong went on a smear campaign against the Andreus to protect his reputation.

During his interview with Oprah, Armstrong said that he would apologize to his former teammate and his wife after bad-mouthing them and trying to damage Frankie Andreu's cycling career.

The emails became public as a result of continued tension between Armstrong and Betsy Andreu. Andreu claimed that she overheard Armstrong confess to a doctor in an Indiana hospital in 1996 that he used PEDs.

Armstrong denied Andreu's account and even refused to talk about the issue with Oprah. Andreu traveled to Austin, Texas, to see Armstrong so the two could clear the air. Before her trip, she exchanged emails with Armstrong to try to get him to confess.

According to emails USA Today obtained, Andreu wrote on March 8:

"Anyway, you blew it with SI. If you're not going to talk about the hospital room, just don't talk about it. Blame your lawyers, say "that's a good question, I'll get back to you on it" but don't talk about it. You're digging the hole deeper. On one hand I was kinda mad, on the other I asked, "Why do I care? The world knows the truth of it." I don't know who's advising you but I can almost guarantee you there's one person who knows you, knows the situation, isn't wanting to make a dime off you but is concerned for your well being that you should be listening to: (name deleted). I've turned down TV appearances, refused to participate with some journalists because this has to play out - you gotta find your way. I'm not going to let your skirting of this issue infuriate me - I know why you're doing it. So, if I do come to Austin mid to late April, I'm going to take you up on your offer and get together over water, coffee, tequila. If you're in town."

Armstrong replied on March 9, saying

"Yeah, let me know if you're coming down. And no, I won't leave town if you're coming. Please.

"I know you are well invested in the an alleged hospital room conversation from 17 years ago and I know it's very personal to you. But what I can't do, and won't do, is pretend to remember something I just don't. Having said that I am done calling you a liar re this. You remember it, I don't. That's the best I can do Betsy. I know this won't satisfy you but it's the best I can do. Hope you can understand."