Richie Incognito just wants to go back to living the life he had, prior to former Miami Dolphins teammate Jonathan Martin's apparent and abrupt betrayal.

Unfortunately, one very ugly truth has emerged about the Incognito-Martin bullying affair: Incognito has not learned one thing.

The Miami Dolphins reinstated Incognito on Tuesday, three months after suspending him for the allegations from Martin about Incognito's abuse.

By Wednesday, reported that he was on Twitter, offering his help to a fake Twitter account of Philadelphia Eagles quarterback in some hazing activities of Eagles quarterback Matt Barkley. reported that Incognito then insulted Martin's agent on Twitter before taking down the post later. Of course, by then it was too late.

That Incognito was insulting Kenny Zuckerman was understandable, given the thousands of text messages between Martin and Incognito that The Big Lead made public on Monday that showed Martin and Incognito as seemingly good friends, as Incognito and Dolphins teammates had argued from the beginning of the incident when Martin left the Dolphins.

Sympathy swayed significantly toward Incognito.

Unfortunately for Incognito, he didn't stop there. After reports were made public that the findings from the investigation into the Dolphins locker room and whether Incognito bullied Martin wouldn't be release for another couple of weeks, Incognito shot back to the law firm of the investigator working on the case.

"Paul, Weiss, Rifkind -- Really taking your time on this one. Not like my career and life have been in the balance for 3 months," he tweeted.

Despite the fact that Incognito may not have bullied Martin, multiple media reports surfaced depicting Incognito in a less-than-favorable light.

The last thing Incognito should be doing now is attracting any kind of attention to himself, which, if he had learned from the past three months, he would not be doing.

He is almost certain to find another job because his aggression is valued on the field. But the next public relations person he deals with has to make him realize he needs to shut up and just play football. Even if it means taking away any and all avenues of communication Incognito has to the general public.