Apple's MacBook Pro lineup got an overhaul that added the new Touch Bars but still used the outdated Sky Lake Processors. The MacBook Pro 2017 will likely feature the newer Kaby Lake processors but the question now is when will the company introduce the new laptops.
It seems that a spring event would be the perfect time to introduce the new MacBook Pro 2017. However, looking back at Apple's history with Spring Events, the tech company does not have a regular schedule when it comes to spring events.
It really depends whether Apple has something to unveil like the new MacBook Pro 2017 because otherwise, they wouldn't host a Spring event. Looking back last year, Apple announced the iPhone SE, 9.7-inch iPad Pro and the new Apple Watch. However, Apple did not host a Spring event in 2013 and 2014 as they did not have something to introduce at the time.
But in fact, the whole MacBook lineup including the MacBook Pro 2017 is in need of an upgrade with the release of the Kaby Lake Processors according to Forbes. Apple has so far used Sky Lake processors which was released back in 2015. Current laptops today use the newer Kaby Lake processors which would make Apple MacBooks outdated when compared to its Windows counterparts.
A spring event for the new MacBook Pro 2017 that features the new Kaby Lake processors could be a possibility. But a Spring Event for the new MacBook may seem unlikely as the latest update for the MacBook was revealed last October. A Spring release for the new MacBook Pro 2017 will make it 5 months since the latest update.
In addition, Kaby Lake processors does not present much of an upgrade to the MacBook Pro 2017 when compared to Sky Lake Processors. The increase in performance is very minimal and hardly noticeable. A review from MobileTechReviews says that there isn't much difference between the last generation of processors.
But with AMD's Ryzen's release on the horizon that boasts better performance at lower prices, Apple could unveil the MacBook Pro 2017 with AMD's processors. Apple has used AMD hardware in their MacBooks that features AMD graphics card so it wouldn't be surprising if they decide to use Ryzen.
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