MacBook Pro earlier received an added feature when Apple launched its latest update, the Touch Bar. Since it was introduced last year, many applications have supported this new feature and gained good reviews. Now, Google Chrome will also add support for the Touch Bar.
MacBook Pro that was developed by Apple and launched in January 2006 is the successor to the PowerBook G4 and the sophisticated model of the MacBook family. It already evolved and said to be undergoing development up to this time. And one of those enhancements is the replacement of the function keys into a Touch Bar and a Touch ID sensor that is now included in the Power button.
And now, Google will add more support for the said feature. According to 9 to 5 Mac, the giant search engine company just recently launched the Chrome 58 canary build and MacBook Pro consumers by now will observe the added support on the Touch Bar update.
So what does it offer? MacBook Pro users will be able to launch a new tab, search and others in Chrome through the Touch Bar support. Users will also take notice of the backward, forward and refresh button for easier navigation plus they can immediately add a website to their list of favorites.
The report also added that the Touch Bar button are static which means that controls and options don't change even if you are watching a video or opening a new tab. MacBook Pro users can also expect that Chrome canary channel version 58 will come in a stable state much more earlier as anticipated.
Digital Trends further stated that the Chrome canary channel will still be going through additional testing. Which means that MacBook Pro users who can't wait to use the Touch Bar support must expect some erratic change up to this moment.
MacBook Pro users can now try out the Touch Bar support in Chrome by downloading it in the Google's website. As said earlier, the canary build will still have bugs and performance glitches but Google will surely have a solution for this.
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