"Green Lantern Corps" is an upcoming movie that plans to bring together the storylines of two of the greatest Lanterns, Hal Jordan and John Stewart. There is still no confirmation coming from the studio as to who will play the role of John Stewart.
But on the other hand, there are a lot of actors who are waiting in line. There are two actors who are considered for the role. There are reports suggesting that Armie Hammer is going to be one of those possible actors that would play the lead role in "Green Lantern Corps." The actor played as Deadpool just a few months back. However, the name of James Marden has also been included in the mix. After the success he experienced in "Westworld," he became one of the most in-demand actors out there.
He also played as Cyclops in one of the "X-Men" movies. Yes, the two are great actors. Hammer did well in "The Man From U.N.C.L.E.," while Marsden proved his prowess in "Westworld" and the "X-Men" films. DC might find a good performer who will portray the Green Lantern character in the "Green Lantern Corps." If one was just to base it on the looks, Armie Hammer wins it as he really looks like Hal Jordan.
Thus, most fans believe that he should take up the role. Meanwhile, Marsden also has the charming looks, making him an equal candidate for the role. Hammer is quite lean for now, which is why he needs to gain more weight if he would want to get the role to himself. According to We Got This Covered, Marsden already has the ideal Green Lantern built.
Based on the reports, Hammer told the public that it was the first time that he heard about him taking the role. Whichever the case is, let's just hope that the producer and makers of "Green Lantern Corps" will find the perfect man for the job. According to Comic Book, "Green Lantern Corps" will premiere in theaters on 2020.
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