"Sherlock" is the well-known crime drama television series which is based on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes detective stories. The fans of Benedict Cumberbatch recognize him as Sherlock Holmes and Martin Freeman as Doctor John Watson.
According to the Independent, the Season 4 of "Sherlock" was becoming very much controversial among the fans of the television series and a backlash was being created just because Benedict Cumberbatch's character i.e. Sherlock Holmes was solving rational cases without any explosions or even fist fights.
The scenes were proved to be appearing as deeply out of character to the fans making the reactions from the fans even more disappointing and even cringe-worthy. These plot twists were planned by "Sherlock" series writer Mark Gatiss.
Vanity Fair reported that writer Mark Gatiss has responded to the backlash which has been created recently for the "Sherlock" series. The writer has expressed his feeling about the backlash and was pointing the situation a "familiar pattern" with success.
According to Mark Gatiss, it was unavoidable thanks to the most classic shows which are being hated at some stage. Mark Gatiss said "We toyed with calling one of the episodes of "Sherlock" season 4 'Backlash' because it's time.
It goes for any artistic endeavor - all you can do is your best. Sometimes you have to have an unpleasant amount of attention. But I'm stopped in street two or three times a day by people saying how much they've enjoyed it. What more could you want?"
With the lines spoken by the writer, it clearly shows that it hasn't affected much the future plans for the series by the backlash recently. The "Sherlock" was becoming too much like James Bond with a poem and therefore giving a character twist in the series was the best choice which Mark Gatiss could have thought of. The fans are still waiting for the real "Sherlock" character which was liked by most of the people from the very beginning.
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