The US tech giant, Apple would overhaul its most recent Apple Watch Series 2 which was revealed in September 2016 with watchOS 3.2. This includes a new Theatre Mode to keep the screen off when the users are at the cinema or enjoying a show.
The Apple Watch Series 2 was uncovered with a lot of features and improvements over its predecessor. The features include built-in GPS, brighter display and a waterproof design that can even survive a dip in the sea, as per Wareable.
However, the Apple Watch appears to be selling well with Apple boss, Tim Cook, recently revealing that we sold more iPhones than any time in recent memory and set unequaled income records for iPhone, Services, Mac and Apple Watch.
Now Apple had moved to improve it's both the original Apple Watch and the Series 2 with a new upgrade. Whereas the upgrade could be called as watchOS 3.2 which was recently been pushed out to beta testers and developers earlier this week and its biggest new feature is Theatre Mode, this mode can bring a lot of joy to the users at cinema enjoying a show.
Presently Apple had moved to enhance it's both the first Apple Watch and the Series 2 with a new upgrade. While the overhaul could be called as watchOS 3.2 which was recently been pushed out to beta analyzers and developers prior this week and its greatest new feature are Theater Mode, this mode can convey a ton of happiness to the clients at cinema enjoying a show.
This mode guarantees Apple Watch proprietors no longer distract those around them while at the cinema or West End appear by ceasing the wearable's screen springing to life each time a warning gets pushed through or the wrist is raised.
According to Mashable, the 242MB patch is only available to those who signed up to Apple's beta program with Apple stating that due to its pre-release state, the software should only be deployed on devices dedicated for watchOS beta software development.
The overhauled watchOS 3.2 software will be compatible good with both the first Apple Watch and the most recent Apple Watch 2 that was released in September 2016. But, unfortunately, it's currently unclear that when the watchOS 3.2 software will be available on all devices.
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