Titus Young Makes Court Appearance, New Charges Added

Troubled former NFL player Titus Young appeared before an Orange County Superior Court judge on Friday where he learned he now faces three additional charges, bringing his grand total to 11, according to USA Today.

Jailed since May 11, Young appeared reserved and stoic during his time before Judge Andre Manssourian, who raised his bond from $25,000 to $50,000, according to the newspaper. The exact nature of the new charges was not immediately revealed.

Altus W. Hudson, Young’s attorney, later told the USA Today, the new charges stemmed from an alleged attempted burglary the night of May 11. A charge of breaking into a home that night was already among Young’s previous eight charges, three of which are felonies. In addition, he also faces a possible prosecution for a DUI arrest in nearby Riverside County.

In all, Young, released by the Detroit Lions after last season, was arrested three times in southern California in a week, culminating in his jailing May 11. In some ways, his court appearance on Friday was strange as his odyssey.

According to USA Today, in one exchange, or rather non exchange, with the judge, Young all but ignored three questions that were asked of him by the judge, culminating with “are you Titus Young.”

As the attorneys huddled in sidebar with the judge, the newspaper reported, Young’s father called out to him--- and he too was ignored, as Young stood at attention, his head tilted back, his eyes close most of the time.

"Mr. Young poses a danger to the community," Judge Manssourian ultimately ruled, the paper reported.

Young now faces a June 4 pretrial, and the very real prospect that he will remain jailed until at least then. USA Today reported that none of Young’s family members seemed particularly inclined to post bond for him.

Young’s father has previously described his son as suffering from mental health issues and his ex-girlfriend and mother of his eight-month child told the media he once told her “I understand why O.J. killed his wife."



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