The NFL is making changes to their drug policy and how they go about suspending athletes that violate the rules. One interesting point that sticks out about the rumored changes is the idea that players would be automatically suspended one game for a DUI.
This zero tolerance policy would be used for first time offenders in an attempt to cut down on the number of drunk driving incidents. The current policy calls for a fine of two game checks but no missed time on the field. Under the new policy the offenders would be fined one game check and suspended one game.
The DUI policy is being revisited as the NFL and NFLPA continue there talks concerning a HGH testing system. According the CBS Sports the issue isn't the testing itself, but rather who handles the appeal process.
The hangup with HGH testing isn't the testing itself, it's agreeing on who gets to handle player appeals. The NFL wants to give Roger Goodell the power to handle appeals of players who violate the NFL's drug policy in a situation where the league didn't test the player.
For instance, if a player was arrested with illegal drugs, the NFLPA wants that player's case to go before an independent arbitrator. The NFL would want Goodell to hear a case of that nature.
With many of the major issues and debates among the NFL and NFLPA it is a matter of when not if. HGH testing is coming to football sooner rather than later and it will likely come as soon as the NFL overhauls it’s drug testing policy.
[CBS Sports]
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