Vanessa Stiviano, the woman who claims to be disgraced Clippers owner Donald Sterling's "confidante" and "silly rabbit," has some less-than-silly infractions on her personal records. According to reports, Stiviano's got five arrests to her name, with multiple aliases connected to them.


Her issues began in 2002, when she was arrested for petty theft by LAPD and was listed as a Hispanic woman named Vanessa Maria Perez. In 2004 she was picked up by Santa Monica police for petty theft and felony larceny using the same name but with a different height and weight.

In 2010 she was arrested a third time for possession of a controlled substance, using the Perez alias but listing her ethnicity as African American. Then in 2012, California Highway Patrol busted a black woman named Monica Gallegos for driving under the influence.

Donald Sterling asked Stiviano how racist controversy could "go away?"

She's alleged to have used Maria Valdez, Maria Vanessa Perez and Mariamonica Perez Gallegos as other aliases in addition to the ones listed in her various police reports.

It's unclear how her conversation with Sterling, in which she was chided for publicly flaunting photos of herself with Magic Johnson, former NBA superstar and current owner of the Los Angeles Dodgers, and Dodgers outfielder Matt Kemp on Instagram, reached the web, but the spotlight's now trained on her.

She invited more attention following the lifetime ban handed down to Sterling by appearing on 20/20 with Barbara Walters. With Walters, she oddly described herself as Sterling's "right-hand arm," his "silly rabbit," and denied that he is a racist. "I think the things he says are not what he feels," Stiviano said.

Stiviano's also denied leaking the racially charged conversations online, and it is still unknown how they became public. NBA commissioner Adam Silver received confirmation last week that the recordings were indeed of Sterling, and banned him for life from the NBA while indicating he would do everything in his power to force the sale of the Clippers.