Hall of Famer Dennis Rodman told ABC on Sunday that North Korean leader Kim Jon Un wants a phone call from President Obama after the former NBA forward met with Kim in North Korea last week. "He asked me to give Obama something to say and do one thing. He wants Obama to do one thing, call him," said Rodman in an interview with George Stephanopoulos for the show "This Week".

Rodman was the higest-profiled American to travel to North Korea since Kim inherited power from his father Kim Jong Il in 2011.The visit took place despite tension and nuclear threats ongoing between the two countries.

The former NBA champion also suggested a common interest in basketball could be a discussion point between Obama and Kim. "He loves basketball. ... I said Obama loves basketball. Let's start there" as a way to warm up relations between U.S. and North Korea, Rodman told ABC's "This Week."

However, Rodman spoke highly of Kim, believing the 28-year old ruler does not want a war. "He's a good guy to me," Rodman said, adding, that "as a person to person, he's my friend. I don't condone what he does."