John Cena WWE Rumors: Possible 'SmackDown' Rosters May Leave Off 'Cenation' Leader [VIDEO]

John Cena may very well be the face of "Monday Night RAW" going forward.

The "Cenation" leader was expected to be the headliner of "SmackDown" when the brand extension goes live, but the July 19 edition of the show -- the first live one to appear on the USA Network on Tuesday nights -- no longer lists Cena in the advertisement.

Roman Reigns is advertised as the headliner for the July 19 "SmackDown," while his opponent in the ad is Seth Rollins, in what is likely a dark match, according to WrestlingInc.

Other stars advertised for the show who could likely be drafted to the Blue Brand include Dean Ambrose, AJ Styles, Kevin Owens, WWE World Tag Team Champions The New Day and WWE Women's Champion Charlotte.

All of these stars -- including Rollins and Reigns -- are booked for the following Tuesday night's show at the First Niagara Center in Buffalo, N.Y. as well.

It's too early to tell if the WWE is definitely putting these stars on the "SmackDown" side of things or if it's just an early advertisement. It is interesting to see Cena not being one of the headliners advertised, however.

It's also worth noting that Styles is listed as a 'SmackDown" talent, while he just began a feud with Cena. If Cena is on "RAW" and Styles on "SmackDown," it would mean their feud and rumored Money in the Bank match may be a brief one.

The likely conclusion is that the WWE hasn't changed its advertisements to reflect the draft, but it's definitely odd that the "Cenation" leader isn't listed.

To view our list of candidates to represent "SmackDown" as its headliner, click here.

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