Tim Tebow tells the ChristianPost.com he has never defined himself by being a football player and instead prides himself on "who he is in Jesus Christ."

"When you find your identity as a Christian, then regardless of your status, or your fame, or your popularity, or your position, that never changes," Tebow told the website. "So the roller-coaster that the world has always looked at my life and viewed, I'm very thankful that I don't have to live it."

The former Florida star and Heisman Trophy winner played in his last NFL game in 2012 with the New York Jets and has not been picked up by an NFL team since Bill Belichick and the New England Patriots parted ways with his as Tom Brady's potential backup in training camp.

Still, Tebow told Christian Post "I'm the best now that I've ever been." He later added "I wanna be someone, as a person, that is, is loving. That is not judging. We all have our faults. We all fail. We all mess up. We all make mistakes. So I'm not gonna be someone that is gonna try to point that out in other people. I wanna be someone that loves them.

"You know? I'm a big 'quote person,' and one of my favorite quotes, and I forgot who it's from, but it's, Every day we share the Gospel. But every now and then we use words. You know? Meaning, we share what we believe every day in how we act. How we treat people. How we love people."