Technology giant Microsoft was expected to introduce their Surface Pro 5 device in October last year. However, the announcement never took place. However, that hasn't stopped the rumour-mill to be churning. Endless rumours and speculations have indicated that the Microsoft Surface Pro 5 is expected to arrive this year with a refreshed design and even more upgraded components.
First off - not much was revealed until Microsoft's Paul Thurrott confirmed the news. According to a report published by The Verge, he was heard saying that while the proprietary Surface power connector will remain the same, the Microsoft Surface Pro 5 is expected to come along with a new design and several upgraded features as well.
Moreover, experts claim that Microsoft' Surface Pro 5 might even come equipped with the ability to switch its Display Port to a USB-C connection. Clearly, if this turns out to be true then Microsoft's decision to ensure that its Surface Pro stick to Surface power connector hasn't changed much.
It is also believed by many that Microsoft is expected to hold an event sometime soon. The event will primarily be Surface hardware-themed occasion and there are chances that the Surface Pro 5 just might be unveiled at the event.
Separately, according to a reports, Microsoft is most possibly joining hands with a Taiwanese company called Pegatron Technology. The latter will serve as one of the many manufacturers working solely on the Microsoft Surface Pro 5 device. The company has previously produced the Surface Studio for Microsoft.
Online website ZDNet's Mary Jo Foley was even recently told by several unidentified sources that Microsoft is expected to hold an event in Spring of 2017. It is widely believed that the company will be debuting their Surface Pro 5 device at the event.
On the hardware front, the Microsoft Surface Pro 5 is expected to be available in an ARM processor option. Moreover, ever since Microsoft patented an active pen with wireless charging abilities, it appears as if the company just might launch that too, with the Surface Pro 5.
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