Samsung has backed Apple to a corner with the reveal of the Samsung Galaxy S8. If Apple fails to reach the high standards put up by Samsung's newest flagship phone, they may see their market share decrease dramatically. Fortunately for Apple, rumors seem to paint a good picture for the upcoming iPhone 8.
Apple has been using LCD screens on their phones ever since the first iPhone. But LCD screens are now outperformed by the OLED screens which produce brighter and crisper colors. Samsung has been using OLED screens on their flagship devices for several years now while Apple has managed to bring out every possible ounce of performance from and LCD screen. Fortunately, Apple may be upgrading the iPhone 8's screen.
According to MacRumors, Apple will be making the switch to OLED screens for the iPhone 8. But in typical Apple fashion, the tech company won't be using the ordinary OLED screen of today. Instead, Apple will be using OLED screens with full spectral sensing ambient light sensors that will also be available for older Apple devices.
However, the problem with the switch to a better screen will raise the selling price of the iPhone 8. Forbes estimates the phone to come in at least $1000. The price increase is due to a 60% increase in the manufacturing of OLED screens as compared to LCD screens. Apple has already put up a premium price on their devices and improving upon existing technologies will only drive the prices higher. It's a similar trend to the updated Macbook Pro line which added a new touch bar.
Meanwhile, other reports suggest that Apple will be making their own GPUs for their devices. Apple is known for their desire to control every aspect of their devices. Engadget reports that Apple will be dropping their partnership with Imagination Technologies who are responsible for making the GPUs for several of Apple's devices. It's possible that the new GPU will be first introduced on the iPhone 8.
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