Real Housewives of Atlanta star Porsha Stewart charged in the reality show's latest episode that her attempts to get pregnant were thwarted by estranged husband Kordell Stewart's lack of sexual interest, according to

During Sunday's episode, Porsha Stewart tearfully tells her psychologist "I wanted children. A doctor said 'Porsha I'm concerned. You're not pregnant by now,' and I was actually too embarrassed to even tell the doctor 'I'm not pregnant because my husband hasn't really been trying. I put on my lingerie. I worked out. I kept my body up and felt like, hey what's going on?"

Radar adds Porsha later laments "I was living a lie," adding that her husband was an entirely different person behind closed doors. "I need to start living for me."

Porsha Stewart has hinted throughout the season that she suspects her husband might be gay and there were times when she felt "he didn't want her physically."

Stewart has steadfastly refuted all his wife's insinuations and last week took to Twitter to respond "no hoodrat shall prosper against me."

Stewart also maintains many of the couple's problems stemmed from his wife's pattern of often being away from home and habit of late night partying.