Kordell Stewart may soon be taking his brewing feud with estranged wife Porsha Stewart to the couch of the Wendy Williams Show.

According to Eurweb.com, Stewart recently called the show and expressed an interest in appearing for a sit-down after his soon-to-be ex made an appearance and made several accusations he deems as less than truthful.

"After the show, guess who called me? Kordell," Williams told a recent audience. "He wasn't mad, but he's definitely ready to tell his side of the story-and I am all ears. Gotta respect a guy who's going to make a phone call. He just wanted to set the record straight. I've got to get together with my producers and find out how soon we can make that happen."

Despite openly insinuating she suspects her husband might be gay and even calling him a "queen" during a recent episode of her Real Housewives Of Atlanta reality show, Stewart told Williams she plans to keep her last name even after her divorce becomes final.

"I'm going to keep Stewart," she said. "A lot of people say, 'Why?! Give him his name.' It's not his name, it's my name. I was Porsha Williams at one part in my life before I got married. Marriage has taught me so much. I'm a whole other woman now so I'm going to own that last name. It belongs to me."

Stewart recently took to Instagram to refute his wife's claims with the taunt "no hoodrat formed against me shall prosper."Stewart captioned his Instagram post as "#Truth, #Unfiltered, #Kordellism."