The upcoming fifth installment of "Jurassic Park" franchise i.e. "Jurassic World" sequel has welcomed its new guest. The production of "Jurassic World 2" has already begun and the star casting is being finalized. Fans are again waiting for the theme park to open its gate.

According to Digital Spy, the well-known Hollywood legend James Cromwell is in the Jurassic World's newest addition. Cromwell has starred previously in few hits such as "Babe", "I, Robot", "The Artist" and "The Green Mile". Cromwell is known for is legendary acting skills and this time he will be a part of Jurassic World theme park. After Cromwell has signed the "Jurassic World 2", he has become the actor having the most experience between the entire cast of the movie. Till now, no in-story character details for the actor has been disclosed but it is expected that he will be in a lead role with the other casts.

Hollywood Reporter reported that apart from Toby James and Justice Smith, James Cromwell is the latest star signing the movie "Jurassic World 2". Reports are also there that stars Bryce Dallas Howard and Chris Pratt will be returning in the story as Claire and Owen with BD Wong's sinister Dr. Wu.

James Cromwell has an acting career of 50 years and has won an Emmy Award for the performance he gave on "American Horror Story" Season 3 in the year 2013. He has also gained an Oscar nomination for the movie "Babe", which is mostly loved by the children. Looking into his past career, James Cromwell is all set to give another great performance in "Jurassic World 2".

"Jurassic World 2" story is expected to be more political leaning and more surprising than the previous movie. "I think when you see "Jurassic Park" again, the first one, and you see that scene with the T-Rex and the kids in the car - it's very dark; it's very scary," director JA Bayona said.

"I think it's more in that vein. We're going to go back there," he added. The "Jurassic World 2" movie is not to be released until 2018 and till now no official dates have been announced.