The Gronkowski brothers are pitching an idea for an animated series about their lives, according to reports, and have released a teaser video following their various exploits. reports that the Gronkowskis' latest endeavor includes an animated program that delves into all of their exploits and craziness. The video promo for the animated series shows a lot of mayhem as well as the chaos that fans may find appealing and expect upon watching the five brothers lifestyles.
The video, which can be seen below and includes some foul language and anarchy, features all of the Gronkowski brothers, including Rob, Gordy Jr., Chris, Dan and Glenn, while Bleacher Report notes that their father Gordy Sr. may be a big part of the show if it ever takes off, as he appears in the teaser.
According to Deadspin, Family Guy co-executive producer Ricky Blitt is interested in assisting in writing on the project, but there are also many obstacles in the way before the show would possibly be picked up.
The video is an introduction to each member of the family and provides some background on them. The video, titled simply "The Gronks," shows the family partying as well as having fun in a limo before the closing credits advertise it as an "All-new, All-American Series," while "Party Rock Anthem" plays in the background.
The report indicates that the Gronk clan plans to "bust into meetings" in the offseason and "Instantly sell" their animated ideas.
While it remains to be seen what actually happens to the series, it could be safe to speculate that the two minute and fifty-seven second teaser video may be all that comes out from "The Gronks" attempt at an All-new, All-American series..
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