The solution seems so simple, it's a wonder why nobody has thought of it sooner. Maybe Ray Rice has, and he's getting the same cold shoulder from the league up north.

Rice's next down of football may have to be in the Canadian Football League, according to CBS Sports. The six-year NFL veteran who has been unofficially banned from the league after video of him punching his future wife went public in 2014 via TMZ Sports.

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"Still no buzz whatsoever for Ray Rice, and with the draft approaching things will probably remain bleak for him," CBS Sports' Jason La Canfora reports. "If I was advising him, I'd give the CFL a shot and try to show what I can do there.

"Given the fact that NFL owners have essentially blackballed him because his crime was caught on video, I'd imagine it would take him performing at an incredibly high level up there to get another shot here. At this point if he still wants to play football as much I hear he does, and if he's in playing shape, as I hear he is, then Canada might be his only option."

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Rice still would get a lot of attention, which would be both good and bad --- probably in reverse order, chronologically.

Whatever CFL team would take a chance on Rice would face the same issues as any NFL team --- intense media scrutiny in the first few days, weeks or even months of his arrival. The scrutiny would die down, and pick up again when Rice would play his first preseason game and then regular-season game.

Rice probably would welcome the chance to face the media to further his advocacy for domestic-violence victims. If Michael Vick got the chance to speak out against animal cruelty, Rice would enjoy a large platform for his agenda.

Maybe Rice doesn't want to play in Canada, but he has to know that if he wants to play football, he doesn't have any bargaining power.

The thing is, maybe he already has reached out to CFL teams, with the same response he's getting from the NFL. Thanks to social media, Rice isn't just an American pariah. The only thing that diminishes that theory is that thanks to social media, there are very few secrets.

If Rice had talks with any CFL team, chances are, it would be reported.

But if Rice hasn't reached out, now is the time. If he is rejected there, he likely will come to the understanding that his football career is over and move on accordingly.

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