Six dollars can't buy very much these days, except for a World Series ticket.

According to, a baseball fan on Monday went on the ticket-selling website, StubHub, and purchased a ticket to Game 1 of the World Series at Fenway Park in Boston for the bargain-of-the-century price of $6.

The fan sent a copy of his receipt from the StubHub, as well as a copy of the actual World Series ticket printout. The seat, which the receipt indicated was in Right Field Box 97, actually was listed for $3. StubHub added a $1 service fee and a $2 delivery service. is a website that allows people to post their tickets for sale to prospective buyers. Deadspin theorized that a seller mistakenly put the decimal in the wrong place when putting the tickets up for sale.

The article added that the cheapest seat in that same section late Monday night was priced at $759, which was confirmed through another check on the website.

SB Nation went further and determined that the cheapest seat for game one was $387 for the site and that no other seat in the Right Field Box cost less than $833.

The fan's World Series ticket is less than a 12 ounce beer at Fenway. An August report said that the Red Sox had the most expensive beer in Major League Baseball, selling it at 60 cents per ounce. suggested that the fan sell the ticket so he could make a handsome profit. If not, the fan, whose first reported was "Erik," will get to go to Game 1 of the series for $6 and come away with a priceless memory.