Andrew Luck, Indianapolis Colts Rumors: Matt Hasselbeck Can't Eat Solid Foods, Still Best Option [VIDEO]

Andrew Luck’s lacerated kidney, which he suffered in Week 9, was so bad that he’s still in worse shape than Matt Hasselbeck. That’s saying a lot, considering Hasselbeck, 40, hasn’t even been eating solid food.

Hasselbeck has suffered injured ribs, as well as hits to his ribs and neck, but his jaw injury, suffered against the Texans, is the one stopping him from eating properly. This all sounds unhealthy for a 40-year-old to be enduring, but Hasselbeck is being a gamer and educating his younger teammates in the process.

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“I think (about) who I want to be to the guys in this locker room and the example you want to set,” Hasselbeck told The Indianapolis Star. “I mean everybody is banged up. Like I said, I was sort of joking when I said it, (but) my injuries get more attention than the other guys, but we’ve got all kinds of guys banged up right now. Every team does and now is the time to be mentally and physically tough.”

If Hasselbeck can fight through injuries that prevent him from eating properly, why can’t Luck, who is just 26, tough out his ailments?

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The problem is that Luck’s injury is not about pain tolerance. Internal injuries can’t be rehabbed, so the only prescription for him is rest. Luck finally started practicing last week, but even if he could tough it out, the Colts would be foolish to do so.

Luck is the future of the franchise while Hasselbeck may be gone by the end of the year if he chooses to retire. Putting Luck at risk when the Colts don’t even control their own postseason destiny would be way crazier than Hasselbeck getting on the field without any solid food in him.

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