Cam Newton was just having some fun when he hit the Dab vs. the Titans after scoring a rushing touchdown. He royally pissed off the Titans defense, and spurred an angry mom to write a letter about how he was embarrassing the league. But really, his worst offense was spawning these people dabbing.
Jim Harbaugh, Michigan Wolverines coach
Look at my dab
— KingDavis™ (@_King_LD) December 10, 2015
Cam And The Panthers Can Definitely Go Undefeated
Harbaugh broke this out on a recruiting visit, and it’s hard to imagine something less enticing. Michigan should add to his salary to never Dab again. His Dab is like watching a rusty crane come to life and attempt ballet. Too stiff, not enough swag.
Urban Meyer, Ohio State Buckeyes coach
Coach Meyer hit that #Dab tho!! #WhatsBetterThanThis
— Zach Sith #Zone6 (@CoachZachSmith) November 28, 2015
Cam Newton Is A Better Role Model Than Ben Roethlisberger
Harbaugh likely dabbed in response to Meyer’s move following a recent Buckeyes game. Meyer’s was…better. Meyer went with a very technically sound Dab, which was less embarrassing, but also so boring. Put some pep in that step Urban!
Woody Johnson, Jets owner
.@woodyjohnson4 with the DAB!
— New York Jets (@nyjets) December 6, 2015
This is a Dab apocalypse. What in the world is Woody doing? That wasn’t dabbing, it was shaking his arm like it suddenly sprouted from his torso. Woody has enough money for a hip-hop dancing class. Do better…that’s not playing like a Jet!
Jerry Richardson, Panthers owner
He’s near and dear to Newton, so Richardson should be a pro right? We have some shoddy camera work to deal with here, but it seems like it’s for the best. Richardson’s Dab isn’t as lazy as Woody’s but it’s not far off.
Braylon Beam
A video posted by Mark Freiburger (@markfreiburger) on Nov 22, 2015 at 9:23am PST
Good dabbing! For all the controversy Newton generates, his dabs have made for some funny moments, and heartwarming ones like this one. Braylon Beam, battling cancer, mustered up the energy to catch the Panthers game live and show off his moves to his hero. This is why Newton should keep doing him.
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