Several sources, including "a current and famous player," tells TMZ the NBA has a "weed and codeine" problem and as many as "30 percent" of the league's players use hardcore drugs.

According to TMZ, sources add marijuana use is "ubiquitous" in the sport and more players are starting to use what's known as "Lean," a combination of Sprite and codeine cough syrup.

In the wake of the recent drama involving NBA veteran Lamar Odom and his alleged drug addiction, TMZ interviewed several sources with NBA connections, including multiple players, and also found that the drugs "Molly and Ecstasy" are among the most popular allegedly used by players.

In terms of league officials reigning in the problem, TMZ reports part of the problem stems from the way the league runs its drug testing operation. Though players are randomly tested four times per year, most of the tests are administered by early January, months before even the regular season comes to a close.

TMZ adds one recently retired player told the website after the fourth test "it's like Christmas Day. We can take whatever we want." Another added "Lean" was used by players even during the 2013 NBA playoffs.

Another NBA source told the website he estimates that up to 15 percent of the league's players use hard drugs during the season, while another source adds "most athletes who do indulge do so in moderation so it doesn't have a perceptible impact on their performance."

Another source disagreed with the pack, telling TMZ he's never been aware of any one player doing cocaine during the season and another added that the problem of drugs has actually gotten better over the last five years because players "have been burned" by pictures of them doing illicit things showing up on social media.