As college football programs try to get through the final weeks of fall camp before the 2013 season starts next week, some coaches are coming up with creative ways to break up the monotony of two-a-day practices. reported that Arizona coach Rich Rodriguez started a dance competition in the Arizona locker room. Wisconsin football coach Gary Andersen canceled the second of a two-a-day practice to take the team to a nearby swimming pool and proceeded to execute a near perfect belly flop.

Nebraska head coach Bo Pelini, however, had the most thought-out - and fiendish - distraction from camp.

Pelini has a no cell phone policy during team meetings. So he arranged a plot with fifth-year senior Thad Randle to bring a cell phone to a meeting. Pelini then arranged for an assistant coach to call the cell phone during the meeting.

When the cell phone rang, Pelini acted furious, left the room and came back with a hammer. He then took the phone out of Randle's hand, set it on the ground and smashed it. Randle, acting incredulous, got up and left the room.

Pelini then was heard shouting, "You got a problem?" Randle's teammates started to get up and a couple of them were starting for the door to break up the fight but were told to sit back down. One assistant coach did run out the door.

A couple of uncomfortable moments passed when a message on the projector screen in front of the room displayed the words, "Got ya!"

Pellini came back in and canceled practice and took the team to see a movie instead.

The video was posted on YouTube, as was Andersen's belly flop in Wisconsin and Rodriguez's dance-off in a locker room in Arizona.

Rodriguez capped the event with a couple of seconds of his finest moves as well.