George Zimmerman Stopped For Speeding By Texas Police, Had Gun In Possession [REPORT]

Less than a month after being found not guilty in the shooting death of an unarmed teenager that continues to divide much of the nation along racial lines, George Zimmerman was  stopped by police in Texas for speeding and found to a gun in his possession.

Zimmerman, 29, alerted police that the weapon was in his glove compartment after they pulled him over for speeding in nearby Forney on Sunday just after noon, according to TMZ.

The website adds Zimmerman told police he was "headed nowhere in particular."

Related: Jay-Z, Kanye West Join Boycott to Protest George Zimmerman Verdict

Back on July 13, Zimmerman was found not guilty in the Feburary 2012 slaying of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. The self-appointed neighborhood watch patrolman shot and killed the teen after disobeying a police dispatcher's direct order to cease with following the teen he later admitted he thought suspicious because he was wearing a hoodie.

Since the verdict, protests have erupted all over the country calling for the repeal of the controversial "Stand Your Ground laws" many contend paved the way for Zimmerman's exoneration as well voicing demands that the federal government now file charges against him on the grounds he violated the teen's civil rights by racially profiling him.

TMZ reports Texas police ultimately simply issued Zimmerman a warning and allowed him to go on his way.

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