Anna Benson, the wife of former MLB star pitcher Kris Benson, was arrested Sunday night for entering her soon-to-be ex-husband's home with a gun, extendable metal baton and bulletproof vest, demanding money from him.

For the complete police report click here

According to, the incident report contains a lot more interesting tidbits, and describes Anna Benson as wielding a Maurice Clarett-like array of weaponry.

The report states Benson was carrying the previously mentioned baton, a Taurus Judge five-shot revolver, and was wearing an ammunition belt, with a knife in it, along with her vest.

Anna was swinging her baton in his bedroom, smashing his computer monitor and demanding $30,000. He told her he needed to go get his wallet, as well as a lighter and cigarette. When he went to his basement to supposedly retrieve those items, he called the police and hid in the woods until they arrived.

When authorities arrived they pointed their guns at the former model, who claimed she hadn't done anything wrong. She also told police to search Kris' house and find the real crime, "illegal drugs."

Police did search the house, turning up a bag of syringes and eight unknown pills. A list of the police department's evidence stemming from the incident, as per Deadspin, is as follows:

  • 1 Taurus Judge Handgun
  • 13 rounds of ammo
  • 1 hatchet
  • 1 bag of syringes
  • 1 hard drive
  • 1 ammo vest
  • 1 ammo belt (with ammo)
  • 1 bullet proof vest
  • 1 red knife
  • 1 expandable baton
  • 1 court order
  • 1 black shirt

• 1 2013 Buick Enclave (Anna Benson's)

Benson is not known for her mental stability, once grabbing headlines for saying if Kris ever was unfaithful to her she would make sure she slept with everyone on the New York Mets, including the trainers.

In his career Kris Benson was a solid pitcher, going 70-75 with a 4.41 ERA for his career, but never emerging as a star.