Kobe Bryant's "Let Me Teach You How To Be A Champion" Pep Talk A Turn Off For Dwight Howard?

ESPN is reporting Dwight Howard didn’t take well to Kobe Bryant’s “let me teach you how be a champion” pep talk during the team’s meeting with the free-agent center earlier this week.

A Los Angeles contingent of owners the Buss family, GM Mitch Kupchak and star players Bryant and Steve Nash met with Howard this week in hopes of talking him into accepting the team’s five-year, $118 million offer.

It capped a week of meetings for the All-Star center, who is also being wooed by Houston, Dallas, Golden State and Atlanta.

Now comes word that the Lakers, and in particular Bryant, may not have done themselves any favors with their candid presentation. Howard has already expressed frustration with playing in Coach Mike D’Antoni’s up-tempo system, arguing that it does little to play to his inside strengths.

According to ESPN, Howard has already left L.A. and will spend the next several contemplating his decision. Some have speculated it come as early as Friday, almost a week before the July 10 date on which players can actually began signing contracts.

The most any other suitor can offer Howard is a four-year deal at $88 million, but the sensitive big man has previously hinted that money alone will not be the only factor in arriving at his decision.

As part of their recruitment offer, cable giant Time Warner has offered Howard the chance to have his own reality TV show if he resigns with L.A.


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