Tre Mason made quite a name for himself during his final season at the University of Auburn, and he managed to land with the St. Louis Rams in the draft. He sat quietly on the bench for the early part of the season, but when he finally started to get some real playing time, he opened some eyes with his abilities.
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Perhaps he should have utilized those "sitting quietly" skills in his personal life also. Mason now looks to have some trouble on the home front thanks to a Twitter conversation with the girl that is apparently Mason's side chick. She put out a tweet that Mason did not appreciate, and then things really got out of hand for him.
Obviously Mason is a grown man, but he should still be smart enough to know that trying to shut down any potentially controversial issue on social media will only fan the flames, particularly when you are invoking your "main" girl by name (many would probably argue that he also should not step out on his girl, but that is another discussion entirely).
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You could also argue that Mason should know better than to fall asleep next to a girl after hooking up with her. Julian Edelman did that after winning the Super Bowl, the girl posted a picture on Tinder, and then the Internet blew up for a week about it.
Here is a picture of Meagan:
And here is a picture of Tre and Natasha:
A photo posted by Tre Mason (@tremason27) on Mar 17, 2015 at 12:59pm PDT
That picture was posted after the above Twitter exchange with Meagan. There is no word yet on what, if anything has happened between Tre and Natasha.
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