Dallas Cowboys DeMarco Murray Rumors: Star RB Deletes Cowboys From Twitter Bio Like Jilted Ex

After the Dallas Cowboys were eliminated from the playoffs, fans of the team, as well as many of the league's other teams, began to wonder what would happen with Dez Bryant and DeMarco Murray, two of the team's offensive stars that needed new contracts.

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Bryant has been franchise tagged for now, but Murray's situation is a little murkier. The running back turned down at least one offer from Dallas, and now it appears that he may be on his way out of the organization, according to ESPN.

It was expected that Murray would use the three days prior to free agency (when many free agents-to-be agreed in principle to deals anyway) to survey his offers, which he would then give Dallas a chance to match. He has stated that he would like to remain with the team, and he would choose their offer if it was comparable to any other team's.

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Since then however, Murray has apparently not heard from the team about a new contract or the offers he may have had from other teams.

After not hearing from the team for over a week, Murray has apparently taken that as a sign of disrespect, and he recently deleted all references to the team from his Twitter bio.

While anything is possible during free agency (which starts later today), the fact that Dallas has not called and Murray is cutting his ties with the team certainly seems to imply that he will wear a different uniform next season.

Murray should not be in a rush to sign a deal on the open market, as he is clearly the best free agent back available, and multiple teams need help at the position. A delay could in theory let Dallas back into the running also, but Murray may be in the process of shutting that window for good.

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