Aaron Hernandez, the ex-New England Patriots star tight end who stands accused of orchestrating the murder of Odin Lloyd, and pulling the trigger in his shooting death, will be back in court again today at 9:00 a.m. Follow Day 14 of the court proceedings free here.

Day 13 of the Hernandez trial was one to forget for his defense team, as housekeepers called to the stand piled more circumstantial evidence on the ex-NFL star. On May 7, Marilia Prinholato said she first saw a firearm under a mattress while cleaning Hernandez’s home.

"When I took it off, something, a gun, fell out on the floor," Prinholato said. She described the gun as “black, heavy and 30 to 40 centimeters long,” and said she saw it again a week later when she checked to see if it was still there.

Prinholato’s boss Grazielli Silva testified that she had seen a large gun in Hernandez’s sock drawer but never touched it. A third gun was discovered when both women were in Hernandez’s bedroom. Silva said that she picked up a pair of khaki pants and found it in his pocked.

"It was heavy. I thought it was the wallet. I put my hand inside, and I felt it was a gun," Silva said. "I felt nervous. I left the pants in the same place that I found them.”

On top of the testimony of these two women, Judge Susan E. Garsh also reversed course on the matter of text messages sent by Lloyd to his sister Olivia Thibou shortly before he was shot and killed. Prosecutors will now be allowed to question her about the content of those text messages, but that will be all she’s allowed to reveal.

Previously, the prosecution had been barred from asking her about the text messages at all.