Adrian Peterson's Brother Arrested On Drug Charges

Minnesota police have arrested the brother of NFL star Adrian Peterson for suspected drug dealing.

According to USA Today, police raided the home of Ashton Stevenson on May 31, after investigators intercepted a package addressed to him and mailed to the home that contained marijuana.

A detective posing as a Fed Ex driver made the drop off, and police later returned with a search warrant, at which time they found a small quantity of the drug and a scale in the home. USA Today reported Stevenson has at least one previous arrest for marijuana possession in Texas.

Stevenson is one of Peterson’s 14 siblings and the paper reported he has recently been aiding his brother in covering rent and living payments.

"I don't know any details yet," Stevenson told USA Today of the ongoing investigation. "I'm just trying to make calls to figure out what's going on. This type of nonsense I don't need on my background or my brother's."

Police admitted Peterson had yet to open the package by the time they returned to his home, forcing investigators to drop at least three additional charges the initially plan to file against him.

Peterson was named league MVP last season after rushing for nearly 2,100 yards and leading the Viking to a Wild Card playoff berth.


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