Konami has announced that bad-boy Kiefer Sutherland, who starred for years as the Counter Terrorism Unit's top agent Jack Bauer, will be the voice of Snake in the newest installment of the Metal Gear Solid video game series, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.

The previous Snake, David Hayter, shocked fans of the wildly popular video game series in March when he announced he would not be voicing their hero's lines anymore. Hideo Kojima, the creator of Metal Gear Solid, said a new voice was important because the character will be undergoing big changes in the new game.

"The themes are a little different from previous games in the series," Kojima said. "We're taking on some heavy subjects, like race and revenge. As a result, I wanted Snake to have a more subdued performance expressed through subtle facial movements and tone of voice, rather than words."

The Phantom Pain is set in 1984, placing the protagonist in his forties, according to reports. Kojima thinks that Sutherland can better portray an older, colder, more world-weary Snake. He called Sutherland a "perfect fit" based on his "age and performance."

The news continues a hot streak for Sutherland, who will return as Jack Bauer in a limited season of 24, which ended its eight-season run in 2010. The newest short season is slated to run in May of 2014.

Upon the announcement of 24's return, Fox Entertainment Chairman Kevin Reilly said the producers of the show "always had the idea of maybe someday doing feature films, but as got into it they all agreed 24 being compressed in two hours is not 24."

He also hinted that the format of the show, which will run 12 episodes, will be changed from its groundbreaking formula of each episode representing one hour. This time around, the show will jump through different points in the day.

Also, expect big names to be involved. "A lot of who's who in Hollywood wanted to participate in this," Reilly said.