Boston Gov. Deval Patrick Admits He Got Drunk After Bomb Suspect Capture

Boston Governor Deval Patrick admits that on the day after second Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was taken into custody he retreated to his rural home and got “quite drunk.”

ABC News is also reporting Patrick admits he felt relieved that Tsarnaev was captured so quickly, as he feared residents would soon began complaining about the “shelter in place” order he had given for the entire city and several neighboring suburbs just hours before.

According to ABC, after Tsarnaev’s capture Patrick recalls he went to Berkshire County home with his wife and immediately went for a swim, then out to dinner alone to read a book. The restaurant's co-owner further obliged him by putting him in a corner away from other diners.

"She starts bringing me things to drink as a celebration,” he told The Boston Herald of his server. “And by the end of the meal, I was actually quite drunk, by myself."

Maggie Merelle, co-owner of the restaurant Rouge in West Stockbridge, told the paper Patrick had a "glass of chardonnay or two" with dinner but she doesn't remember him being drunk. "He wasn't tipsy. I never would have known," she said.  

The Herald also reported that President Barack Obama called Patrick on April 19 and advised him that he couldn't keep the region in lockdown indefinitely. Patrick added he would have ended the "shelter in place" order once the door-to-door search in Watertown was completed had Tsarnaev not been captured.


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