Brazilian health ministry officials have derailed plans for a widespread online campaign called “I’m happy to be a prostitute.”

According to CNN, the ad campaign was scrapped amid mounting criticism from locals who were unmoved by official’s claims their sole motivation is for the purposes of promoting safe sex.

“The role of the ministry is to have specific content to encourage prevention among sex workers, who are a very vulnerable group,” Health Minister Alexandre Padilha told CNN. Padillha later added he felt torn by the message the advertisement seemed to sending.

Just the same, he and other ministry officials were only willing to go so far. A new campaign entitled, "Not ashamed of using a condom," is reportedly now in development.

Prostitution is legal in Brazil and the world’s oldest profession is expected to undergo a huge spike there over the next several months as the nation readies for the FIFA World Cup in 2014 and the Olympics in 2016.

In the nearby city of Belo Horizonte, CNN reported sex workers are already lining up to take free English speaking classes in hopes of better communicating with their clientele.

“Across Brazil, lots of businesses in the private sector are getting prepared and making their workers more qualified for the Cup Association of Prostitution president Cida Vieira told CNN. ”Well, this is a profession, too."