Reports are Russell is now down to the 265 pounds he stood at when the Raiders selected him No. 1 and handed him the keys to the franchise. According to The Chicago Tribune, fellow 2007 quarterback draft selections Trent Edwards and Jordan Palmer are slated to join him in his workout.
In recent days, Russell has expressed an interest in joining a team where he can learn under a veteran and is even open to joining a Canadian League team if a suitable offer does not emerge over the 30 to 45 days.
As far back as early April, former NFL signal caller Jeff Garcia, who’s spent the last several months tutoring Russell, told Yahoo! Sports he felt Chicago and Arizona were ideal fits for him.
Russell hasn't played a down of football in the NFL since 2009, and won just seven of 25 starts during his career in Oakland despite being signed to a multi-million dollar three year deal. He completed just 52 percent of his passes and threw more interceptions (23) than touchdowns (18) for an overall passing rating of 65.2.
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