Kevin Durant Tattoo Misspelling Update [PHOTO]:

Oklahoma City Thunder star Kevin Durant is having a bit of a rough two weeks. His team was eliminated from postseason play despite Durant playing some of the best basketball of his career. His city was rocked by a massive tornado, and it has been discovered that a giant tattoo covering his back may contain a misspelling. 

Durant has a large picture of Jesus' face on his back, alongside a scripture verse that reads: "Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don't try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way."

The only problem is that the word "mature" looks like it's spelled "mautre." When Durant, who is fairly active on social media, became aware of the controversy, he quickly moved to clarify the spelling. He posted an extremely close up photo of the word, in which the top of the "T" is more visible. The latest photo was captioned "I got mature spelled the right way lol."

Durant was recently in headlines for donating $1 million to the Red Cross for relief to tornado victims in Oklahoma City. Durant did not announce his donation; rather, the Red Cross tweeted out Durant's effort to aid, saying, "Mr. Durant's gift and support to Okla. comes at a time of great need and we're forever thankful for his generosity."

He also had the best postseason of his career, averaging 30.8 points, nine rebounds, and 6.3 assists per game with most of that production coming in the absence of superstar point guard Russell Westbrook.

Before this season, Durant's highest per game assist average was 3.7, which was last year during Oklahoma City's run the NBA Finals.

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