Endorsed over the years by such star athletes as Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Usain Bolt and Charles Barkley, world famous McDonald’s now finds itself in the midst of a public relations nightmare that may require all that star power to overcome.

A Brooklyn gospel singer has filed suit charging her melodic, soprano voice was forever ruined when she bit down into one of the restaurant’s chicken sandwiches and found a piece of glass “bigger than a penny.”

According to The New York Post, Jacqueline Simpson contends the incident took place in 2010 when she visited a McDonald’s in the city’s Financial District, and ever since her voice has never been the same. Simpson, a clerk for the state Attorney General’s Office, also claims she can longer sing soprano and now has to routinely clarify her identity over the phone.

“Now when I sing, I have a hoarse, ratty voice,” she told The Post. “I still sing alto, but I can’t sing soprano like I used to.”

Simpson also told The Post: “I have to make a lot of calls for work, and I have to tell people that I’m not a man. Before, that never happened.”

Representatives from McDonald’s have yet to respond to the accusations.