Mo'ne Davis took the sports world by storm over the summer when she became the first female pitcher to win a game and to pitch a shutout in the Little League World Series. Now she's the star of her very own commercial for Chevrolet, directed by the legendary Spike Lee.

The 13-year-old Philadelphia native doesn't plug the auto brand directly, but rather discusses her memorable summer and more in a verbal letter which she begins, "Dear United States of America," and ends, "Sincerely, your daughter Mo'ne Davis."

"Every day of the week, I'm playing soccer, basketball or baseball," she said. "I stand for girls who want to play sports with the boys and to be a role model for people, young and old."

The commercial premiered Tuesday night during Game 1 of the World Series. Davis also mentions her revered 70-mile an hour fastball, saying, "That's throwing like a girl." According to ESPN, the commercial will not affect her amateur status for playing college sports in the future.

"Mo'ne Davis may be paid for appearing in the Chevy commercial without impacting her NCAA eligibility," NCAA spokeswoman Emily James said in a statement.

As the commercial ends words display on the screen that read, "Chevrolet celebrates Mo'ne Davis and those who remind us that anything is possible."

Lee also directed a short documentary centered on Davis titled, "I Throw Like a Girl." It features interviews with her family, fellow players and her coach. Also featured are Albert Chen, the writer who covered Davis for Sports Illustrated, and Julia Terry, founder of the Art of Growing Up program in Philadelphia. The commerical and documentary can be viewed below: