It was reported earlier this week that there was an error on the WWE's Best of Sting DVD that showed a picture of Jeff "nWo Sting" Farmer on the back of the packaging instead of Steve Borden, and the WWE's DVD distributor addressed the error.

The WWE's DVD distributor wrote on Facebook that they made a mistake and that it has been fixed and the first DVD release will now be known as a collector's item.

"The first batch of The Best of Sting DVDs and Blu-Rays will have a picture of 'Fake Sting' on it. ‪#‎oops This mistake will become a collectors dream. Out October 1. Pre-Order now," the distributor wrote on Facebook.

WCW pulled a swerve on its fans in Sept. 1996 by having Farmer, who was wrestling under the ring name Cobra, dress up as Sting and attack Sting's friend Lex Luger -- making many people believe that Borden turned heel.

It later was revealed that it was a "fake Sting" who turned on Luger and that the impostor was played by Farmer.

Farmer eventually moved on to New Japan Pro Wrestling in 1997 and was a part of nWo Japan. The photo of Farmer that appears on the back of Sting's DVD comes from his appearance in NJPW.

Regarding the real Sting, there are rumors that he will have a match at WrestleMania 31 on March 29, 2015, in California and Sting himself has said that he wants to wrestle, but it remains to be seen if that will come to fruition.

Sting has wanted to face The Undertaker at WrestleMania and even said that The Streak being wiped out by Brock Lesnar in April doesn't hamper his desire to still meet him one-on-one at Levi's Stadium.

The Undertaker's career could be over after he lost The Streak and was injured in the match with Lesnar, but that is also up in the air and remains to be seen.

Sting has also said he would like to face Triple H, so there is a possibility of that match happening next spring as well.

Sting has yet to wrestle in a WWE ring and he has hinted that if he does compete somewhere down the line, it will likely be his final match.

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